To Live Stronger Than Death

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Kenneth R.Allison, John J.M.Dwyer, and Susan Makin.  Perceived barriers to physical activity among high school students.  Preventive Medicine.  1999:28(6), pp. 608-615, doi: 10.1006/pmed.1999.0489.

Yaneth Herazo-Beltrán, Yisel Pinillos, José Vidarte, Estela Crissien, Damaris Suarez, and Rafael García.  Predictors of perceived barriers to physical activity in the general adult population: a cross-sectional study.  Braz J Phys Ther. 2017:21(1), pp. 44–50,   doi: 10.1016/j.bjpt.2016.04.003.

Matthew B. Ruby, Elizabeth W. Dunn, Andrea Perrino, Randall Gillis, and Sasha Viel.  The invisible benefits of exercise.  Health Psychology. 2011:30(1), pp. 67-74.

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Dr. Stephen Almada 

Health Psychologist

[email protected]



