How to Stop the Stealth of Dementia



The Cruelest of Maladies

My mother was a remarkable woman. In her fifties, after raising eight children, she went to college, completed her degree, became an award-winning artist, wrote two books, and, being fluent in English, Spanish, and French, spent a summer residing among the residents of Arcachon, France capped off with a week touring Spain. At the time of her induction into the Triton College Alumni Hall of Fame, she was 99 and had no recollection of the accomplishments for which she was being recognized; dementia stole them from her. All maladies are cruel but none like dementia. 


Dementia Rising

Like cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and cancers, dementia is a lifestyle disease that often goes unnoticed, slowly festering for years before a person experiences symptoms. Unlike recent declines in CVD


 and cancers,


 dementia more than doubled between 1990 and 2019


 and is predicted to triple by 2050.


 Sadly, this may be an underestimate as the global rate of dementia is significantly higher among young people (30-64 years) than previously thought.


 Moreover, once diagnosed with dementia, it is too late; there is no effective treatment for dementia.


 With dementia rising and treatments lacking, it is of the utmost urgency that we capitalize on the preventive benefits of learning a lifestyle that enhances the self’s sense of unity, continuity, and meaningfulness.


The Life of the Self 

Heinz Kohut


 defines the self as our sense that our body and mind form a unity in space, a continuum in time, and a meaningful center of action initiatives. Maintaining the unity and continuity of our life, the self works with our brain to store memories in unconsciousness and upload stored memories to consciousness to solve new problems, form new memories, or just remind us who we are. Despite physical, attitudinal, psychological, and other changes over our lifetime, the self’s memories give continuity to our life. Dementia is psychological vivisection; while the body is still alive, dementia dismembers the memories that hold the life of the self together.

Dementia flies under the radar of our senses. When memories are amputated from the self, there is no immediate and sharp pain as when a limb is injured or lost; when dementia severs the continuity of life and steals precious memories from people, there is no grieving accompanying the loss. 


Dementia mocks the selfleaving the body’s long-term memories intact as it renders the mind incapable of naming a familiar object or solving a simple problem. 


Love in the Time of Dementia

Success in love is a prerequisite to success in life,


 including a life without dementia. Love makes us bold and daring. When committed to caring for another person, the environment, or the precious unity of our self, body, and mind, the action-initiating power radiates from the self, the “nuclear core” of our unity, and assertively begins exploring, experimenting, and discovering ways to live a life that is truly vital

The Five Horsemen of Memory and the Life of the Self

  1. Healthy Environments

Exposure to smog and air pollution is likely the most difficult dementia risk factor for us to control. There is no safe threshold for breathing polluted air


Regardless of age, air pollution takes a toll on the brain. Chronic exposure to high amounts of air pollution is linked to the development of dementia in adults


 and the build-up of proteins associated with Alzheimer’s disease in the brains of children and infants as young as 11 months.


 Measures to reduce exposure to air pollution and thereby lower the risk of all-cause dementia



  1. Social Relationships

Loneliness is a slow and meticulous killer,


 often taking the life of the self 


before it takes the life of the body. Although the physiological mechanism underlying how loneliness damages the brain are not well understood,


 the emotional damage to the self is apparent. Loneliness clogs the arteries of love, stopping the vital flow of caring interactions between self and others. Here are some simple suggestions to keep love flowing.

  1. Good Nourishment

Dementia is associated with the consumption of pro-inflammatory, highly processed foods.


 Between 1999 and 2018, the consumption of ultra-processed foods among youths (2-19 years of age) increased as their consumption of healthier foods decreased


 (likely contributing to the unexpected increase in dementia among younger individuals). 

Before junk food destroys the brain and body, our food environment psychologically cultivates “Mindless Eating


 and is supported by technology that processes food to maximize the brain’s pleasure centers.


 Consequently, our food environment often makes us (the self) insensitive and indifferent to the unity of our body and brain. Here are some suggestions to repossess and strengthen the self’s assertive power over the food environment. 

  1. Give the brain the “boon of sleep”


Mid-life sleep disorders increase the risk of dementia later in life.


 For individuals over 60, maintaining regular sleep patterns becomes particularly difficult and negatively impacts memory.


 Here are some healthy sleep recommendations set forth by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute:


  1. Exercise: The “vis medicatrix naturae”:



The wholeness power of exercise begins with the demands it places on the self, body, and brain to unite and work together.


 Wholeness dictates that there is no brain health without the health of the self, body, and mind.


 Thus, it is no coincidence that cardiovascular


 and muscular fitness


 are associated with brain fitness. Here are some suggestions for developing an active, wholeness lifestyle. 

Call to Action

A major difference between a healthy and unhealthy lifestyle is the role of the self as the center initiating actions that maintain and enhance the continuity of our body, brain, and mind unity. To learn more about developing a lifestyle that preserves the unity and continuity of life, contact Dr. Stephen J. Almada. 


Stephen J Almada, Ed.D. Health Psychologist and author of Exercise, Life, and Love: The Making of a Sedentary


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Kohut, H. (1977). The restoration of the self. The statement is based on Kohut’s experience analyzing his patients and the process that leads to the establishment of a “core” or “nuclear self,” which he goes on to describe as “the basis for our sense of being an independent center of initiative and perception, integrated with our most central ambitions and ideals and with our experience that our body and mind form a unit in space and continuum in time” (p. 177).


I am referring to embodied knowledge described by Shogo Tanaka as “a type of knowledge where the body knows how to act” (Tanaka, S. (2011). The notion of embodied knowledge. Theoretical psychology: Global transformations and challenges, 149-157). Learning how to ride a bike or any other physical skill results in the body knowing how to ride without the self’s conscious efforts needed during the learning process. Thus, like all knowledge, embodied knowledge results in a heightened efficiency in terms of the mental and physical work required to perform the skill versus learning the skill. It is the depth of embodied knowledge (i.e., every cell, muscle, and other tissue and organ in the body knows what to do and how to work with one another) that is unaffected by dementia, as is shown in


As a freshman in college, I heard a lecture on love by a psychologist, Dr. Murray Banks. The one thing I have never forgotten from that lecture was when he stated it did not matter if one was a genius in geometry or the physiology of a fruit fly; if “you fail at love, you fail at life.” Later, I studied the work of the psychologist Harry Harlow and his controversial study of baby monkeys he took away from their mothers. At the end of his career, when asked what he learned from his research, he responded: Before we can learn to live, we have to learn how to love.


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The “boon of sleep” is a phrase used by Homer in The Odyssey. It captures the restorative and regenerative benefits that come with a good night of sleep. 


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 Your Guide to Healthy Sleep. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.


Vis medicatrix naturae is the healing power of nature, a concept attributed to Hippocrates, and seems to have been lost in modern times. It is noteworthy that Hippocrates not only saw disease as suffering (pathos) but also as toil (ponos), meaning the body works to make itself healthy or whole and not just when suffering. Exercise, good nourishment, and good sleep constitute a good part of the work of life. 


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Dr. Stephen Almada 

Health Psychologist

[email protected]



